We are driven to propel every aspect of our business by making sure our clients extraordinary needs are met.
We play an integral role in our community, which is why we encourage a pro-spending life to a saving culture.
We know that we exist to serve our clients, by serving each other willingly; we build ourselves to provide them unwavering and dedicated service support.
We understand clients expect excellence from us and we work hard to make sure we don’t disappoint. We continuously strive to provide our clients an extraordinary banking experience at Fidelity Asia Bank.
We recognize our integral role in the community and take this responsibility seriously, which is why we approach every aspect of out work with the highest standards of integrity.
We are highly regulated by Labuan FSA, a one-stop regulatory agency for Labuan IBFC. Labuan is home to 300 financial instutions and 50 of the worlds top banks. Fidelity Asia Bank (FAB) is a wholly owned offshore subsidiary of Fidelity Bank (FBGL)